Thursday, September 17, 2009

Water for life and vitality.....literally!

1)water is the largest component of the body-75% of the body is made of water (76% of the brain tissue is water)

2)water is crucial and is the primary regulator of all functions including digestion, circulation, carrying all nutrients to vital body substances, maintaining body temperature and growth and repair of tissues

3)an adult can't live more than 10 days without water

4)when you're dehydrated you're cells are dehydrated-cells die when they don't have sufficient water

5)most conditions and illness are a result of being chronically dehydrated-if you're dehydrated your body can't function optimally-this results in illness/disease

6)as we age we have a gradually failing thirst sensation which leads to water content of cells to decrease resulting in chronic dehydration

7)dehydration can contribute to extra wear on joints and joint pain. Cartilage surfaces of bones in a joint contain a lot of water. Lubricating property allows bones to glide over one another during joint movement. A well hydrated cartilage results in minimal friction.

8)caffeine (pop and coffee) is a diuretic. It stimulates the kidneys to secrete more water our of the body than there is water in the beverage in the first place

9)dehydration often leads to weight gain as the signals for thirst and hunger are confused

How do you know you're dehydrated?

1)the dry mouth is the last sign that you're dehydrated
2)when you're thirsty you're cells are already dehydrated
3)hydrated person has colorless urine, if you're urine is yellow or darker you're dehydrated

How much water do you need?
1)each day you should drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily (1 ounce=.0296 litres)
2)for athletes weigh yourself before and after activity to determine how much water you need to replace

Risk of Drinking too much water?

1)there has been some cases of hyponatremia in marathon runners where the sodium levels have been too low. You need to drink a large quantity for this to occur.

2)During intense exercise the kidneys cannot excrete water

3)if runners keep drinking more than they need, the extra water moves in the cells including brain cells. When the brain cells try to expand, it presses on the brain stem controlling vital functions like breathing

4)to determine how much water you should intake during activity weigh yourself before and after

5)the recommendation is to take 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt per quart of water (every 4-5 glasses

6)in general drinking too much water is a rarity

For more information on the importance of water and it's role in disease I recommend reading "Your Body's Many Cries For Water-You are not sick you are thirsty" Written By Dr. F. Batmandheldj

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