Friday, July 16, 2010

What is your snapshot?

Some would agree that if they look at their pictures post-race... it is not a pretty site. For those that are not familiar, Photographers for triathlon and running events usually take picture of every participant as they approach the finish line and during the race for keepsake. Fatigue has set in so you often end up with not the most glamourous shot. Don't be tempted to discard these pictures too quickly-these snapshot's tell a story and can help you prevent injury!
When fatigue sets in your imbalances become more evident as your body tries to compensate to keep centred. You may see that one of your hips drops more on one leg or that one arm crosses your body more, or your knee collapses inwards.
The snapshot can help you pinpoint how your body is compensating, where your imbalances are, where your body is taking in more force or stress. You can take this valuable information from the photo to help work on unwinding the imbalances and help you pinpoint why you may frequently experience knee pain or hamstring strains or achilles tendonitis etc.
So....what is your snapshot?

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