Thursday, December 31, 2009

Forward plank

The forward plank is an effective core strengthening exercise. Start position on all fours (hands and knees). Place one forearm on the ground one after another (thumbs facing up). Your elbows should be in line with your shoulders. Next extend your legs behind you as in a push up position. Make sure you are not arching your back. Hold until you fatigue. (Aim to hold for 15seconds to start, progress to 30sec and then 60sec) Fatigue is when you start to feel back tension. If this position is too difficult, you can bend your knees. You can also do a plank in a straight arm position making sure you keep your wrists in line with your shoulders.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Own Body Weight Exercises

Did you know that some of the most effective exercises are when you use your own body weight? You don't need equipment to keep strong and well balanced. Stay tuned for an example this week.

Monday, December 21, 2009

First Aid/CPR instructor

My apologies for not putting an entry in for awhile...have been really busy with my studies in Osteopathy. I will be committing to weekly entries going make sure to check them out! My First Aid and CPR instructor's certification is now renewed. Anyone interested in certification of CPR, First Aid, HCP or AED contact me at